Pangamic acid is a water- soluble nutrient that was originally isolated in extracted apricot kernels and later was obtained in crystalline form from rice bran, rice polish, whole-grain cereals, brewer’s yeast, steer blood, and horse liver.
Pangamic acid promotes oxidation processes and cell respiration, and stimulates glucose oxidation. The main action of pangamic acid is its ability to eliminate the phenomenon of hypoxia, an insufficient supply of oxygen in living tissue.
Pangamic acid is essential in promoting protein metabolism, particularly in the muscles of the heart. It regulates fat and sugar metabolism, which partly accounts for its effects on atherosclerosis and diabetes.
Little is known about the absorption and storage of pangamic acid, but excessive amounts are excreted through the kidneys, bowels and in perspiration.
A deficiency of pangamic acid may cause diminished oxygenation of cells, heart disease, and glandular and nervous disorders.
Pangamic acid is helpful in stimulating the glandular and nervous system, and is helpful in treating high blood cholesterol levels, impaired circulation, and premature aging. It can help protect against the damaging effect of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Many claims have been made concerning the therapeutic value of pangamic acid. In Soviet clinical tests more than half of hospitalized patients suffering from sclerosis responded to B15 (pangamic acid) therapy. Also, patients who had serious heart attacks have been restored to good health with treatments of pangamic acid.
People complaining of headaches, chest pains, shortness of breath, tension, insomnia, and other common symptoms of advancing atherosclerosis have benefited from additional pangamic acid. Pangamic acid has been found to alleviate hypoxia and has been used in cases of coronary artery insufficiency. It has been shown to relieve symptoms of angina, cyanosis (a discoloration of skin due to poor oxidation), and asthma.
Good results have been obtained in the treatment of rheumatism, heart disease, and acute and chronic cases of alcoholism. Some alcoholics have lost their craving for alcohol when treated with pangamic acid. Pangamic acid has been helpful in the treatment of chronic hepatitis and the early stages of liver cirrhosis.
Russian investigators have used pangamic acid in children with developmental problems showing considerable success. After treatment of 20 milligrams, three times daily, the patients showed improvement in speech development, increased vocabulary, and improved mental states, intellectual activity, concentration, and interest in extracurricular activities.
Suggested Use
Take 1 to 3 capsules daily with meals or as directed by your health professional.
Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if you have epilepsy or autism.
Contraindications: Do not take if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Ingredients | |
DMG (Dimethyglycine HCL) | 125 mg |
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