People often come to us for their first Live Blood Analysis appointment and tell us about one (or more) of the following issues they are experiencing:
- extreme fatigue, headaches, depression, mood swings, memory loss, poor concentration, infertility, prostatitis, vaginitis, chronic urinary tract infections, halitosis, white spots on tongue/mouth, phlegm/congestion, nagging cough, asthma, sinus congestion/infection, chronic muscle and joint pain, arthritis
- SKIN: dry itchy skin, skin rash (particularly in warm damp grooves), acne, eczema, psoriaiss, athletes foot, cracked/peeling skin on fingers and toes, cracked/discolored nails
- DIGESTIVE: gas, bloating, abdominal discomfort, stomach cramps or pain, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, Colitis, mucus in stool.
Yeast overgrowth is something we commonly come across in doing the nutritional blood analysis. Candida yeast appears as white budding in a live blood analysis sample.
THE GOOD NEWS: if you keep on reading you will find out that some important dietary and lifestyle changes can make a huge difference in your health and prevent the problems from escalating.
A few more explanations first: The most common yeast found in the human body is Candida Albicans, and is responsible for 80% of yeast infections. Yeast are single-celled organisms closely related to molds, both of which are classified in the Kingdom Fungi. Candida Albicans naturally exists within our intestines, and when it remains in balance with our friendly intestinal flora, it defends against pathogenic bacteria. But when this system gets out of balance, Candida cells develop rapidly, and overwhelm the friendly bacteria. If left unaddressed, this can lead to Leaky Gut Syndrome, which allows the yeast, bacteria, and undigested proteins to ‘leak’ through the bowel wall into the bloodstream. Once Candida Albicans has entered the blood stream, it seeks to build up in the warm creases of the body such as the mouth, vagina and skin. It can then ferment, releasing ethanol into the blood or tissues, resulting in toxicity and harm to the body.
Candidiasis can be caused by various things; sugar, yeast or carbohydrate consumption, antibiotics, birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy, immune suppression due to prolonged infection, chemotherapy, etc., chlorinated water, sexual cross contamination… the list goes on. Action must take place to starve the yeast out of the body by eliminating its food source (yeast-feeding foods like sugars, carbohydrates and vinegars) which is necessary for the fermentation and proliferation of yeast. The important thing to address is a condition called ‘dysbiosis’ of the gut flora by increasing friendly intestinal flora with probiotics. With the balance of good/bad bacteria off in the intestinal tract, the yeast is allowed to overgrow.
- A daily broad spectrum probiotic is #1. Probiotic bacteria replenish the microflora balance within the GI system and influence digestion.
- Vitazan Ultimate Acidophilus is an excellent broad spectrum probiotic.
- Vitazan Caprylic acid formula is an antifungal formula containing Caprylic acid (medium-chain fatty acid which exerts antifungal effects), Garlic (antifungal), Pau d’Arco (antifungal) and Cloves (antifungal, Eugenol component of cloves alters yeast cell walls and membranes).
- Pau d’Arco Tea – Boil 1 quart distilled water with 2 Tbsp Pau d’Arco herb for 5 min. Cool and store in the refrigerator with tea leaves in. Strain before drinking, 3-6 cups daily.
- Clove Tea – Boil 1 quart of distilled water and turn off the heat. Add 1 Tbsp ground cloves and steep for 20 min. Strain using a fine mesh strainer, place in a glass jar in the fridge. Drink one cup twice a day in between meals for up to 5 days at a time.
- A bowel cleanse using a bulk forming laxative is beneficial.
Psyllium husks ½ to 1Tbsp with fluids at night - Ground flaxseed 2 Tbsp/day with meals. This extra fiber also provides prebiotic benefits, meaning it allows the friendly intestinal flora to thrive.
- Aloe vera juice has been shown to boost WBC ability to kill yeast cells. The juice also provides fiber and helps to soothe areas of irritated bowel mucosal linings.
- A liquid colloidal silver called In Vive also is a strong antispetic that can help with extreme cases of yeast overgrowth.
- Oil of oregano and grapefruit seed extract are other anti-fungal options, for less aggressive conditions.
Lastly, diet changes make a HUGE difference. Following a yeast free diet as best you can is a must. This is avoiding processed carbohydrates, simple sugars and fermented foods which all allow yeast to thrive.
Good Carbohydrates
Called ‘complex carbohydrates’ and are found in vegetables, whole grains and fruits. The glucose (sugar) molecules in these foods are bound together in long chains that are metabolized slowly thus providing a slow, steady release of sugar into the blood. Fruits and vegetables also contain vitamins and minerals and are therefore an example of ‘nutrient dense’ foods. A yeast free diet should focus more on these complex carbohydrates rather than the simple carbohydrates.
Bad Carbohydrates
Referred to as ‘simple carbohydrates’ and consist of refined sugar, brown sugar, corn sugar/syrup, white rice, white bread, white pastas and other white flour products. These simple carbohydrates are converted into glucose very rapidly and cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly. You may notice a quick burst of energy when you eat sweet foods, however the burst of energy doesn’t last long and fatigue sets in.
When you eat a lot of sugar-containing foods, your pancreas tends to overreact and you put out too much insulin. This causes your blood glucose to drop quickly and can cause feelings of nervousness, fatigue and hunger. The result? More sweet cravings! Loading the body with these simple carbohydrates only relieves these symptoms for a short period and blood sugar levels go up and down like a roller coaster.
The diet should be free of tropical fruits, yeast, dairy, sugar, chocolate, fried foods, pop, juice, coffee, alcohol and food colorings and additives. Food allergies and sensitivities should be ruled out.
Yeast Free Diet Foods
- Vegetables (except corn, peas, beans & other legumes)
- Meat & Fish (except bacon, sausage, hot dogs & luncheon meats)
- Grains & alternatives (except wheat and corn; include amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa and teff)
- Special Bread and Crackers (containing no wheat, rye or corn)
- Beverages (drink distilled or filtered water only. Peppermint tea is beneficial)
- Drink at least 8, 8oz glasses of water per day. This will help to minimize yeast die-off symptoms.
- Miscellaneous (fresh shelled unprocessed nuts, seeds and oils are OK. Avoid peanuts or pistachios)
Helpful Ideas
- Use freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of vinegar in salad dressings.
- Sweeten oatmeal with cinnamon and apples.
- Eat a large protein-packed breakfast to help curb sugar cravings.
- Use protein powder (must be yeast and sugar free).
- Bake eggs or meat with vegetables, brown rice or quinoa salad.
- Make a vegetable omelet.
- Make a stew, chowder, or homemade soup.
- Make a ground beef and 5 bean chili. Make a large batch and reheat at your convenience.
Sauté rice with shrimp, chicken and vegetables. - For a quick lunch on the run, make tortilla wraps with your favorite filling.
- Eat vegetable sticks with guacamole or hummus dip.
Snack on nuts, berries and rice/rye crackers. - Check food labels carefully for hidden sugars and yeasts.
Molds grow in leftover foods. Be sure to refrigerate properly or freeze where possible.
Gain control of your bowel microbiome now and realize how much of a difference it can make.
Michelle Kramer B.Sc. Nutrition & Food Science
Integrative Microscopist at Choice Nutrition
CONTACT US to book your Live Blood Analysis appointment NOW!
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sample – normal
Yeast visible as white budding
Dried blood sample – normal
2 Responses
Thank you for sharing this post with us, I am working in Bergman as a health adviser. Candida albicans are naturally occurring organisms in the human body that are normally harmless if kept in check but if disturbed could cause candidiasis or yeast infections on the mouth, skin, stomach, urinary tract and on the genital area. There are reports that about 75% of women will experience vaginal yeast infection at least once in their lifetime.
For most women, yeast infection symptoms are just plain annoying, a vaginal yeast infection is rarely dangerous.
Still, you can take steps to prevent yeast infections:
Practice good hygiene
Wear the right clothes
Avoid cosmetics
Don’t douche
Avoid certain medications (when possible)
Proper diet, sleep and exercise. And maintain a proper health and skin care regime.If you want any assistance please visit